Technical Specifications:


We always welcome feedback & will endeavour to continue to support this site, so if you experience any content issues, we encourage you to contact / notify us so we can investigate them further. Thanks.


Since the cycle of dramas performed by Bible In Living Sound through the Bible has come to an end, the BRP Team have produced repeats of programs from the end of 2011. These are focused on the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ and they have valuable lessons for believers to learn for living the Christian life pleasing to God.


Pre & Post ETA of 'Programs' page...

NOTE: Future updates are only an approximate schedule for changes to website.

LAST UPDATED: 2024 Bible Adventures - December 2023.

FUTURE UPDATE: Pending next SideBar / Frontpage content...

Tecnical Feedback (either audio or website problems)... NOTE: This email address is only sent to the technical persons who look after this aspect only. General Administration or Office related enquiries are to be posted or phoned via the 'Contact Us' page. (They do not all have access to BRP email communications.)