Decision Time

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Becoming a Christian is more than one short prayer. It involves a turning away from all known sin. Anything that displeases King Jesus must be removed from your life. Ask Him to take away the bad thoughts in your mind and give you His Holy Spirit to guide and help you.

Start reading the Bible a few verses at a time. This will teach you more of what Jesus wants. Some people start reading in the Gospels of Mark or John to learn about Jesus' earthly life and teaching.

In a little while you will see changes taking place in your own life. Angry words may stop coming out of your mouth. A willingness to help others cheerfully may soon appear, along with a desire that others should know about the life-transforming power of Jesus. Fear of what other people may say about you should fade away. Any superior ideas you have about yourself over other people must go. Humble is the new lifestyle. Sorry is such a soothing word, so use it often if you are at fault.

Day by day and year by year, God will change you from being a self-centred person to trust Him with all the small and large decisions to be made in your life. A big burden is taken away when you realise that you don't have to compete with your peers. God has His own unique plan and purpose for your life and He will see you fulfil it if you keep your heart right with Him.

Talk to God in prayer often. At the start of the day, try to have a special time of Bible reading and prayer. Ask for His blessings for the day and protection from doing rash and unwise things. Remember you are on a spiritual journey. Any mistakes could have bad consequences for many years.

Meet together with other people trusting in the Lord Jesus to worship Him regularly. Listen to their talk to see if there are lessons you can learn without going through some painful experience yourself.

On this spiritual journey God is transforming you to be holy as He is holy. There will be times of hardship and suffering. These times should drive you to spend more time in prayer and meditation on the life of the Lord Jesus. Then you will have a greater sense of His presence with you.

When the Lord Jesus was here in the world, He promised He would make a return visit to earth. Next time He won't be coming as a baby. He will come firstly, for all those who love Him, and secondly, seven years later, He will return to rule and reign over all the people on earth. (Luke 12:37) How happy are those servants whose master finds them awake and ready when he returns! Watch and pray!

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(Good News Bible - Used by Permission.)